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HMS Culloden Dive Access
The stairway to the HMS Culloden has been completed. The January 23, 1781 Wreck of the Revolutionary War British War Ship is located in 15-20 feet of water west of the Lake Montauk west jetty. Presently there is limited parking available along the dirt road leading to the stairway.
The Long Island Divers Association (LIDA) is working with the Town of East Hampton to re-open the parking lot. LIDA is also working with the Town to allow parking access without any permit. The new stairway is located west of the previous stairway that LIDA was instrumental in getting built many years ago. A small wandering path through the woods will bring you to the new location.
Special access to Secret Beach (Scuba & Snorkel)
LIDA, with a major assist from the Hampton Dive Center is pleased to invite the Long Island dive community to scuba and snorkel at Secret Beach in Greenport.
Diving Long Island State Parks
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (Long Island)
Permits, Schedules & Brochures for scuba diving and other activities.Long Island State Park Dashboard Permits (direct link)
New York State Artificial Reef Program
The following links will provide information on reef coordinates, tips for fishing and diving on New York's artificial reefs, and details about materials that have been deployed on the reef sites.
Artificial Reef Volunteer Diving Survey - The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) needs your help. The DEC would like all divers to complete a survey for each dive they do in New York waters. Your dive observations provide important monitoring information on the status and productivity of New York’s Artificial Reefs. According to the DEC, the information you submit will remain confidential unless you prefer that it be public. Please use the "Additional Comments" space in the survey to let them know how you want them to use your information.
Artificial Reef Volunteer Diver Log: PDF Version | Online version
Detailed information on the Artificial Reef Program in New York State
Artificial Reef Locations: Map and Coordinates of Artificial Reefs
For more information, or to sign-up for email updates from NYSDEC, visit their website: www.dec.ny.gov